Go Forth and Build.

I call it Barchitecture — the design, creation and manufacture of compelling architectural forms from the building blocks commonly found in a Pub, Tavern or Bar. Toothpicks, cocktail straws, stir sticks, little parasols, olives, lime & lemon wedges, french fries, the fruit garnish from the fruity drinks are all acceptable.

Rule #1: you only use the building blocks from your own cocktails or meals, no raiding the back of the bar, Rule #2: structural integrity counts as much as aesthetics, Rule #3: height and complexity of form are deemed most desirable, Rule #4: don’t be an ass, ever. (Rule #4 has no real bearing on Barchitecture it’s just more of a rule to live by).

It began pretty much as you might expect . . . in a bar, after a few drinks and apps. I was desperately trying to adhere to Rule #4 while waiting for what, in my mind, was entirely too long for another round to make its way to us. The concept spontaneously combusted from my love architecture and my love of bars and all contained within them — greasy little foods made to be eaten barehanded, alcoholic drinks of all shapes and sizes and little toothpicks. It spontaneously combusted from devilishly bored fingers and a dirty plate of used Martini toothpicks and french fry crumbles. And when my wife showed me the picture she took of me and my creation the next day — I remembered I was on to something. And Barchitecture was born.

If it is your first attempt don’t be discouraged, it can take many drinks to become accomplished. Soon, as your skills progress you’ll find that you’re considering your food and drink orders based upon the raw materials they’ll provided — Martinis are an excellent choice having both olives and toothpicks, or Gibsons if you prefer tiny onions, many tropical drinks provide little plastic swords, bamboo skewers and hunks of fruit, sometimes even a decorative umbrella, gin or vodka tonics often provide plastic straws or stir sticks and lime wedges — excellent materials all. And then there’s the appetizer menu, add that to the mix and the options explode. 

So, all my bar patrons and friends, go forth and build . . . build pyramids, forts, skyscrapers and teepees. Build towers, tents, domes and arenas. Build the realistic, the fictional and the fanciful . . . just build. Express yourself in olives, make a monument to the Martini, celebrate your Cosmo . . . go forth and build